Architects play a very important role because they can move and feed public opinion with ideas and images. A few years ago I made a project for the center of Rimini, ended in a drawer. If you go to Rimini and ask to people, especially young people, they will speak to you of this project. It's like a kite in the sky. It moves but never goes down on the ground it remains there. Stay there. I have high hopes in architecture precisely because it can produce kites. Even if it fails to producing nothing concrete can produce ideas that remain in the sky and become points of reference for people, for public opinion. I believe that this is very important. Pictures they can stimulate the imagination of people, giving them a chance to compare, criticize and discuss, form an opinion and feed it.
And this is the task of architecture.
Giancarlo De Carlo

CARNIA INDUSTRIAL PARK - Tolmezzo (UD) Italy 2017

Municipality of San Pancrazio Salentino (BR) Italy 2018
Municipality of Caltagirone (CT) Italy 2021

C.D.P. srl Fossalta di Portogruaro (VE) Italy 2006